Challenges are published – the competition is on!

Today we have published the four challenges which will act as a ground for the innovation competition, and by that the competition is opened.

The competing contributions in the innovation competition are expected to describe new solutions based on or enabling quantum technology for use cases* in the following areas:

  • Diagnostics and health monitoring.  The solutions can be intended/applied for people, machines, devices, components, vehicles, batteries, industrial processes, systems, etc.
  • (Updated) Route planning & logistics optimization. The solutions can be intended for transportation applications but also for other logistics-related applications such as staff and client planning and scheduling. Other type of complex optimizations challenges, for battery technologies, drug discovery, development of new materials etc is also included.
  • Quantum-safe (cyber-secure) data communication. The solutions should address use case(s) in key sectors of society such as healthcare, energy, telecom and finance.
  • Cost and climate effective quantum computing. The solutions should address problems related to how a quantum computer can be operated in a more sustainable way.

* use case = a specific situation or application in which a technology or solution could potentially be used

The competition is open until January 14th, 2025.

Please read here for more information about the competition and its conditions.

Questions? Please contact Jon Wingborg at or 0704-360704. 

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